Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Running is important to loss weight

Very fine and interesting weight loss tips taken from here 
What makes a tempo run good?  What makes fast running a blast?  What brings on a good run day?
To be totally honest with you, faster paced running just kicks butt.  Not sure if it kicks everyones butt, but I know it kicks mine.  Running is the most strenuous of activities and that is why all other sports use it to train for their sport.
Anyway, today was not hard.  Yes, the pace was hard but it seemed to go so well with minimal pain and mental effort.  Most of the time on tempo runs (which for me are 3 miles) I am wanting to quit EXTREMELY bad by mile 1.75-2.0.  I am not joking either.  I want to just yell out bad words and sit down. HAHAHAHA  What a difference today was.  Why was today different you may ask?  I don’t know. I liken it to a good hair day.  Your hair just looks better.  Today was a good run day.  Everything came into line just perfectly: training, experience, condition, weather, traffic, etc.  I kicked butt.  Hey, I just thought of this but maybe it is influenced by eating healthier yesterday. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Here are my stats for the run
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 19:17
Average pace: 6:26 per mile
Emotions:  Good
Weather:  A beautiful cloudy 63 degrees
When:  My lunch break at work
Just as an interesting side note on my breathing:  A lot of times I think of my breathing during a run and I think about the rythm of it.  Today and at this pace, I was taking a breath in for every two steps I took and breathing out the next two steps.  2 steps in and 2 steps out the whole way through the 3 miles.  I actually do it in a choppy fashion like steps are.  It is not smooth for the two steps it is more like:  In, In, Out, Out instead of Innnnn,Outttttt.  You get it.  Weird I guess

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